Join CSA Newark for the 2023 Season - Now Two Locations

CSA Newark is a local CSA pick-up spot for local, certified organic produce grown by Farmer John Krueger at Circle Brook Farm in Andover, NJ - now with two Newark locations, one in the Ironbound, one in Forest Hill. Members pick up their weekly share of locally grown, seasonal, organic veggies every Wednesday at one of two Newark locations. Sign up for the 2023 CSA season is open now and share pick-up will start Wednesday, June 7th or June 14th (TBD) and continue for 24 consecutive weeks until mid November.

As a member you support a local, diverse, regenerative, small scale farm (a steward of the land!) and enjoy seasonal, locally grown, certified organic veggies. We think John’s veggies taste better than supermarket veggies and are also more affordable.

Read more about John and his farm here.

The 2023 season share options for Newark, all pre-packed:

Option 1: Pre-bagged PREMIUM Share (aka Full Share): $1,065 for the season (24 weeks = $44.38 per week)
($990 for the share and $75 for the pre-bagging, material and labor).

Option 2: Pre-bagged BASIC Share (aka 3/4 Share): $900 for the season (24 weeks = $37.50 per week)
($825 for the share and $75 for the pre-bagging, material and labor). Approximately 75% the size of the Premium share, slightly less variety.

Option 3: Pre-bagged MEDIUM Share (aka: 1/2 share): $660 for the season (24 weeks = $27.50 per week).
Pre-packaged MEDIUM Shares (Half Shares) tend to be a little more than half in weight than the Premium share and as close to half as possible in all other way.

Since the 2020 season, all veggie shares for the Newark locations will be pre-packed on the farm. If you prefer to select your own share items from big buckets (as it was done here until 2020), we recommend you look into our sister-drop off sites nearby (Maplewood, Montclair, Bloomfield, Morristown, …) - they all have the same amazing veggies grown by John Krueger that we distribute here, but in buckets to self-pack— here is a link to find them.

Optional ad-ons: Fruit Share and Egg Share. Sign up for the veggie share now, fruit share and or egg share can be added on early June. Details HERE.

There are two steps to sign up:

1: Register HERE.

2: Pay the farmer directly for the veggie share (you will receive options for this after you registered)

We are looking forward to another delicious season of local, organic and seasonal bounty grown in Andover, NJ. Become part of CSA Newark and support a small scale organic farm that nourishes the soil as well as you.

Join Newark’s Freshest!

Questions? Email eve at csanewark dot com.


Final words:

The shares vary in size and content throughout the season. Typically the first and second week is small, then shares become large and stay large and bountiful through the season. The type of veggies vary with what is growing on the fields – but have a look at some past shares captured in pictures here or in words here* to get a better understanding what the shares look like.

*Descriptions are from the Bloomfield-Montclair CSA, which is a sister location, distributing shares from the same farmer we work with, John Krueger of Circle Brook Farm. So yes, they have the same shares that we have here in Newark… please sign up with whoever is closer to you…


Meet The Farmer: Zoom Call on Wed. May 3 at 7pm


Order now, pick up Tue 11/22: The 2022 Winter-Stock-Up Share, Open To All